What if I told you there is a new way to get more tone out of your acoustic instrument?
Have you ever been to a recording studio and have the recording engineer ask you to play but not touch the back of your instrument? Why? To improve the resonation and tone focusing the sound of your guitar.
A guitar has four main acoustic plates, the neck, sides, but most of all the front and back, and in-between them the most important acoustic element ‘AIR’ an invisible coupler making the two main plates resonate in unison.
But there is one barrier in your instrument stopping it from singing, YOU and your body.
Let’s try a little experiment, pick up your acoustic instrument (you may want a strap to do this). The idea of The TruTone is to create a layer of air in-between you and the instrument, eliminating the contact between your body and the back of the instrument,
Ok play the strings open (you can have it tuned to a chord), let them ring for a second and then push the guitar away from you. you should hear a tonal and resounding difference in your instrument. This phenomenon occurs in all acoustic instruments some more than others but it happens!
Trying to record the differences and transferring the visual and audio contrast for video is quite difficult, believe me I know we’ve tried. so hopefully trying this your self will show you.
Another question is feedback or the Larsen effect. “If you are improving the resonation of a guitar what does it do to feedback?” Now whilst this is not scientific in anyway shape or form it is my understanding that getting the two main plates moving in unison actually helps with the reduction of feedback, the Larsen effect is a trapped sound loop in-between the input and the output of a sound system, now feedback in an acoustic instrument starts when the trapped sound can’t dissipate within the guitars box due to one plate being live and the other damped, so there is your loop front moving bouncing off the back, amplified and round and round we go… but remove the damped back and dissipation happens rather then a trapped wave. However feedback will exist for ever, as it is an inherent problem with loud, but loud is good right? finding the balance and improving on it is the game.